Weather for your dog app


My Role

UX/UI Designer, UX Researcher, Unity Developer​


Pet service




3 weeks​

Concept of the app

Our app concept is to have a good time to go for a walk that is not too hot and too cold to bring their dog out, and to avoid Heat Stroke risk if that is too hot, and it is not good for the dog’s paw, the dog’s safety is important.​

target audience : Dog owners

GUI for screens


The Weather

On the first page of the app we can see the temperature and the current location and current date. The user can see the temperature every 3 hours and the icon represents the weather conditions such as sunny, cloudy, snowing, and rainy.​

The paw icon represents a recommendation whether it is safe or not to walk your dog in this temperature. We will have 4 reminder levels, as the temperature displays with the paw icon: green, orange, red, purple.​

The purple paw: Unsafe potential, depending on the breed. It means it might be cold for your dog and keep an eye on your pet outdoors. Under 7 °C Unsafe potential
The green paw: If the temperature is between 7 and19 degrees celsius the paw icon will be green meaning it is safe to go for a walk.
The orange paw: If the temperature is between 19 and 27 degrees celsius the paw icon will be orange meaning that it is a medium risk. It means the dog owner should take caution. It may be too hot for your dog's paw, so it may be best to wait until a cooler part of the day, such as the evening when it is cooler.
The red paw: If the temperature is more than 27 the paw icon will be red so the user should avoid walking their dog. It means these temperatures could even cause your dog serious harm.

The times of the sunrise and sunset

Display the times of the sunrise and sunset. It is also important for dog owners to know the sun time so that they can manage their time to walk their dogs and outdoor activities. Users can see sunrise and sunset times and current date and location. The image of the sun will change depending on the current time. If the current time is day time we will see an image of the sun, and if the current time is night time we will see an image of the moon.​

The list of users' preferred cities

On the location screen, the user can see the list of their preferred cities such as Bangkok, Paris, London for example. When they click on a city it will show them the weather prediction for that city by bringing them to the first page.

The user can go to the second screen to see sunrise and sunset time in the city that they selected. In the future we will develop a search location for the user, so that they can search for locations in other countries, so they can prepare the necessary belongings for their dog if they plan to travel to some country.

Dog outfit recommendation function

This function recommends whether a dog should wear clothing depending on the prevailing weather conditions.

Integrate with a weather API, such as OpenWeatherMap, to retrieve current weather conditions based on the dog’s location.

5-Day Weather Forecast

Predicting Weather Conditions for the Next Five Days.

This feature provides a forecast of weather conditions for the upcoming five days, helping users plan activities and prepare accordingly.

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